Saturday, Mar. 03, 1923
Old Age for New Wine
A French professor, Charles Henri, has discovered a method of "aging" wine in a few minutes. In a demonstration before the Academy of Sciences, he took a bottle of new wine, and by placing it for a few minutes in an electrostatic field of from 60,000 to 100,000 volts, changed it in a short time so that in all respects --strength, color, bouquet--it could not be detected from old wine. Steps have been taken to commercialize the new invention.
Hudson Maxim, the inventor, suggested to the National Cotton Conference for Boll Weevil Control that inasmuch as insects are guided by smell, it might be possible to destroy the boll weevil by baiting traps with the scent of the female. If the method could be developed it might be made effective against the house fly, mosquito, ant, and other pests.
A new planetoid, or tiny planet, was discovered at the United States Naval Observatory. About a thousand planetoids have been already discovered. This new one is situated for the present in the constellation of Orion.