Saturday, Mar. 03, 1923


A commission appointed by the Mexican Finance Minister arrived in New York from Mexico City to complete the final arrangements for the funding of Mexico's debts, in accordance with the agreement worked out by Mr. Thomas W. Lament and signed last June.

"Popocatepetl is due for another eruption in a year's time, greater than any which have yet taken place." So says Professor Atl, celebrated Mexican geologist, whose prediction of an eruption in 1920 was fulfilled.

Popocatepetl is situated 50 miles to the south of Mexico City.

The last eruption took place in March 1921, when Professor Atl guided a party of 30 persons to visit the crater. "Pop" exhibited its proclivity for violence by killing one of the party with a shower of rocks.

At Vera Cruz striking employes of the Aguila Oil Co. are threatening to call a general strike. A general strike would cut off the fuel supply of the railroads and cripple the industry of all southern Mexico.