Saturday, May. 12, 1923
A Trip to Europe
Senator Smith W. Brookhart of Iowa, dirt farmer, sailed for Europe on the President Monroe.
He went to get first hand knowledge of cooperative, farming organizations in England and on the continent. When he returns he hopes to put his new knowledge to practical political use.
Before sailing he delivered himself of a number of opinions:
Concerning prohibition: " I think the decision of the United States Supreme Court was a good one. . . . When we go to Europe we obey the laws of whatever country we are in, and when their boats come here we can expect them to obey pur laws."
Concerning immigration: "Personally, I am opposed to anything and all things that Judge Gary stands for. When Judge Gary gets patriotic and talks the way he has been, there's a nigger in the woodpile, I believe. I think the immigration laws are good."
Concerning U. S. shipping: " I am proud to travel on an American ship. I think it would be a shame if the Government sold these boats at this time for a small price. . . . The loss in operation can be made up in many ways, and we will always have the boats."