Saturday, May. 12, 1923
Frenzied Finance
Six baseball magnates are grinning ghastly smiles. Under the spotlight of major league performances a half million dollars worth of hand-picked ivory from the minor leagues has proved to be a little worse than ordinary osseous substance. The six sorrowing sahibs engaged last winter in a battle of the bank books for the minor league stars. The players purchased: Fielder O'Connell and Pitcher Bentley by the Giants for a total of $140,000, Shortstop Sand for $40,000 by the Phillies, Pitcher Kunz for $30,000 by the Pirates, Baseman Hale by the Athletics for $75,000, Baseman Lutzke and Catcher Myatt for $80,000 by Cleveland, and Baseman Kamm for $125,000 by the White Sox. The only one of these costly experiments who has helped his club to bigger and better baseball is Willie Kamm--and even he is batting feebly.