Saturday, May. 19, 1923
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Flying phalangers, bandicoots, wombats and spotted dasyures. (P. 21.)
Editors in Birmingham, who will go to jail for their convictions. (P. 24.)
The artificial eyelash. (P. 4.)
Colonel Rossetti, who sank the Viribus Unitis and criticised the Fascisti. (P. 11.)
Abraham Lincoln, cinema star. (P. 6.)
Heligoland, which is to be a second Monte Carlo. (P. 11.)
A Chairman of the Shipping Board who knows something about the shipping business. (P. 3.)
John W. Davis, possible Democratic Presidential candidate. (P. 6.)
The only Negro to hold the rank of Colonel in the U. S. Army. (P. 4.)
Two rare documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States. (P. 6.)
The love of labor which makes good translators. (P. 14.)
"Doctor Will" and "Doctor Charlie." (P. 22.)
De Valera's peace proposals. (P. 9.)
The Eta of Japan, which is not a college fraternity. (P. 13.)
The U. S. light cruiser Richmond. (P. 5.)
A new world's record for the 75-meter dash. (P. 24.)
Viviani's answer to the ex-Kaiser's Memoirs. (P. 10.)
Reciprocity talk in Canada, after twelve years. (P. 2.)
Cy Williams, Ken Williams and Walter Henline. (P. 24.)