Monday, Jun. 25, 1923
Three Riddles
The Joint Amnesty Committee, the more radical element of those trying to secure the release of the men imprisoned in this country for breaking wartime laws, is going to try a new method of securing its ends. The petition to President Harding of 52 notables (TiME, June 11) brought no results. Now the Amnesty Committee is preparing more vigorous protest.
It has arranged that Lucy Branham and Julia Emory, militant suffragists who picketed the White House for suffrage during President Wilson's Administration, are to follow President Harding on his tour of the country. Along the routes there will be arranged " demonstrations and mass meetings " for the release of the prisoners. When Mr. Harding speaks, Lucy Branham and Julia Emory will rise from the audience and ask:
" Mr. President, all other countries have released their political prisoners, why not America?"
" Mr. President, men are serving ten and twenty year sentences for free speech. You pardon others, why not these?"
"Mr. President, why do you not extend to innocent working men the same clemency accorded to rich law breakers?"