Monday, Jul. 23, 1923

" Enemies of Labor "

An Italian delegation sent by Premier Mussolini to Mexico arrived at Mexico City from Vera Cruz. They requested an interview with President Obregon for the purpose of discussing the establishment of Italian colonies. Mexican Laborites, united in conference, denounced the Italians as Fascisti and voted to petition the President to refuse an interview to "reactionaries and enemies of labor." At the same meeting a Laborite protested against a proposed invitation to U. S. Rotary Clubs to hold a convention in Mexico City next year. He said that "silk-hatted, frock-coated Rotarian Fascisti from the United States were no less enemies of a socialistic revolutionary nation than the black-shirted Italians." The protest was carried amid roars of applause. The labor unions are determined to uphold their viewpoint--with a general strike if necessary.