Monday, Sep. 03, 1923
Roque to Croak
The wail of the roque players is loud in the land. They are too good. The game is too easy. They are rolling through their wickets before they come to them.
It must be explained that roque is the scientific descendant of croquet. Croquet to a roque player is like a Jew's harp to a flute player. Roque champions have refined the game down to the point that the arches are only a sixteenth of an inch wider than the balls. Yet their skill has increased to a point beyond which they cannot narrow the arches.
Accordingly A. R. Gates of Chicago, co-donor of the trophy for the world's championship toque tournament, has suggested a balkline game. He would draw a twelve-inch circle around each arch and stake within which no ball is eligible to advancement for the point. Roque players throughout the country are enormously excited over the suggested innovation. Apparently roque, as the present generation has known and loved it, must shuffle into discard.