Monday, Oct. 01, 1923
Dail's Week
With the Republican members conspicuous by their absence (they refused to take an oath of allegiance to George V and therefore cannot sit), the new Dail Eireann (Irish Chamber of Deputies) met for the first time.
The only business transacted was the re-election by acclamation of William T. Cosgrave as President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State (Prime Minister of the Free State). Michael Hayes was chosen Speaker.
The Opposition sitting in the Dail (Farmers,' Labor and Independent Parties) asked the Government to release Republican prisoners in order to enable them to meet and discuss their future policy. President Cosgrave refused and the Dail sustained him without proceeding to a division.
On the following day the Dail reassembled and the President announced the membership of the Executive Council (Cabinet) :
President................................. William T. Cosgrave
Home Affairs.......................... Kevin O'Higgins
Foreign Affairs........................Desmond Fitzgerald
Education .................................Eoin MacNeill
Finance..................................... Ernest Blythe
Defense................................... General Richard Mulcahy
The Ministers of Local Government and Industries and Commerce were not announced. With the exception that President Cosgrave sheds the portfolio of Minister of Defense, which now devolves on Ernest Blythe, formerly Minister of Local Government, the Council remains the same as the last one. The Dail gave the necessary approval to the President's selections.