Monday, Oct. 15, 1923


La doctoresse Pelletier, ardent feminist, created a sensation at the Faubourg Club in Paris by stating that women are as brave and as enduring as men and should be soldiers. Her suggestion was voted down with cries of: " Yes, we have no red trousers today."

La doctoresse Pelletier is the author of La Femme en Lutte pour ses Droits; Dieu, La Morale, La Patrie; L'Emancipation Sexuelle de la Femme; Philosophie Sociale; Mon Voyage Aventureux en Russie Communiste.

A description of her records that " Two round eyes light up her face, equally round and ruddy, which the blobber-lipped mouth does not embellish. Evidently the fairies presiding at the birth of the doctoress did not give her beauty of body."

When she went to Berlin to arrange for a trip to Russia, she said:

" L`a-bas! Enthusiasm grips me! Is it truly a superior life that I shall find there ? I hope it, since I go, but I am not sure. ... If the true indeed is there, what matter money losses? Fatigue, even danger, are nothing. I feel ready to brave all to go and receive, in the New Rome, the revolutionary baptism."

She was called Mme. Capoutche-vitch and took with her two pretended sons, who were seeking a refuge in Russia. One was only five years younger than she.

When she returned from Russia she was furious at being lodged in a " refuge." " Me, a propagandist, who comes to visit Russia with but one object--to serve her. Par exemple! Really, anti-Bolshevists, had they arranged my trip in order to give me a horror of communistic Russia, would not have done better."