Monday, Nov. 05, 1923

Mr. Coolidge's Week

The President's official acts were not numerous. He

P:Approved the national budget for next year as submitted to the Cabinet. Its details will not be made public until Congress assembles, but it is known to include provision neither for a soldier bonus nor a " pork barrel" bill.

P:Wrote to the League of Remembrance that he was in thorough sympathy with the observance of a two-minute silence on Armistice Day.

P:Received a call from David Lloyd George at the White House and said of the former Premier: "It has been a fine thing for our people to become better acquainted with this eminent leader in civilization's struggle to maintain itself."

fP:Let it be known that he would not approve that portion of the plan for reorganizing the Executive Branch of the Government by which it is proposed to merge the War and the Navy Departments. This plan had been drawn by Walter F. Brown, Chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee (TiME, Oct. 22).