Monday, Dec. 17, 1923
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
"A gentleman by birth, breeding and culture." (P. 5.)
Blackshirts determined on educational reforms. (P. 12.)
Senate Bills Nos. 1 and 2. (P. 6.)
A man who deserves a place with Lingard and Heyst. (P. 14.)
Football that makes the whole world kin. (P. 11.)
A Chicago mailman and his partner. (P. 29.)
The nice discrimination forced on Rodolfo Valentino. (P. 24.)
Good men who come to the aid of
their friends. (P. 25.)
A Presidential speech--apposite, comprehensive, well-received. (P. 2.) A book on Turkey, fairer than most. (P. 12.)
A poignant skit with dashing wit. (P. 7.)
Insidious bookshops--their lure is all to the good. (P. 15.) Intentions to abolish child labor. (Pp. 3 & 6.)
Education. Even Congressmen con-sider it important. (P. 20.)
"A truly exquisite" milk chocolate. (P. 30.)
A record of great accomplishments at last set down for posterity. (P. 25)