Monday, May. 12, 1924

The Legislative Week

The Senate:

P:Discussed and debated and amended the Tax Reduction Bill for the greater part of the week.

P: Accepted the joint conference report on the Soldier Bonus Bill without a record vote.

P:Passed the annual Naval Appropriation carrying $275,000,000 for the upkeep of the Navy; $500,000 was added to the bill for the construction of a Marine Corps building in San Francisco; a rider calls on the President to institute negotiations for another naval disarmament conference.

The House:

P:Passed the Rogers Bill providing for a reorganization of our diplomatic and consular service.

P: Accepted the joint conference report on the Soldier Bonus Bill. P: Considered at length the District of Columbia appropriation bill, and advanced it in committee of the whole; at one time (with only 33 of the 435 members present) adopted an amendment to change the entire financial arrangements of the District (by giving a fixed annual appropriation of $8,000,000). This is the last of the regular appropriation bills to be taken up by the House.