Monday, May. 12, 1924
Dictator Sought
One thing upon which French Royalists and Bolsheviki can agree is that France needs a dictator, but neither can agree upon the person. L'Action Franc,aise, Paris royalist journal, in advocating the Duc d'Orleans, said: "The example of Italy shows clearly what a real leader can do and what a Parliament cannot do. We ask you to make the Parliament understand that we need a leader, and the leader we need, in the estimation of L'Action Franc,aise, must be the hereditary leader, consequently the legitimate heir to the 40 Kings that made France." The Communists, in an election manifesto, urged a real Bolshevik dictator and the enaction of the following program: " Extinction of the public debt by confiscation of great fortunes; socialization of banks, mines, railroads, industries, insurance; requisition of dwellings for the proletariat; creation of a workmen's and peasants' militia; constitution of a high court of justice to try persons responsible for the War and for its prolongation; cancellation of the Treaty of Versailles; conclusion of a new peace without either war indemnities or annexations; substitution for the League of Nations of a United States of Europe with an alliance with the Soviets of Russia."