Monday, May. 12, 1924
To Go a-Visiting
It was announced from Paris that Ras Taffari, Prince Regent of Ethiopia (Abyssinia), is to pay a visit to that capital. From there he will go to Lon don, from there to Rome. The alleged reason for his visit to Paris, where he is to be treated with royal honors, is to obtain the cession to Abyssinia of the Franco-Ethiopian Railway which runs from Addis Abbaba (capital of Ethiopia) to Jibuti in French Somaliland. The Prince is also to propose that Jibuti be made into a free port, in order that his country may have an outlet to the sea. Ras Taffari is the virtual ruler of Ethiopia; the nominal ruler being the Empress Waizeru Zauditu, daughter of the famed Emperor Menelik.
Contrary to reports, Ras Taffari is not a Negro, but a Shoan (native of the province of Shoa). Although this makes no 'difference in his color, the negroid element is absent. His consort is the Princess Menenu, "excessively beautiful, judged by native standards." Black, she, too, is a Shoan.
He is short, slim and wiry, his black handsome face being surrounded with a fuzzy beard. He speaks English and likes the English people, but said that he was unable to appreciate some of their characteristics.
His country is undeveloped, possesses but one railway, does with animal tracks instead of roads, with mules, donkeys, horses and camels instead of automobiles.
His Royal Highness arrived at Cairo with a suite of 17 persons, eight of whom are Field Marshals. As the royal party stepped off the train bands played and soldiers presented arms.
One of the first things which the royal party was said to have done was to exchange their sandals for shoes, which, apparently, "pinched everywhere" and were calculated to "precipitate a dignified Field Marshal across the floor or down the steps."