Monday, May. 12, 1924
Moscow Oratory
Not a week goes by but Soviet War Lord Leeon Trotsky belches forth damnation upon the world or thrills great Moscow audiences with his prophecies of the past, present and future greatness of Sovietland in general and the Red Army and Navy in particular.
Last week the Bolshevik "gabbler" made a memorable speech at the Grand Theatre, Moscow. It is worthy of note that the speech lasted for two hours, that M. Trotsky made it in his capacity as Chairman of the Revolutionary War Council, that it was addressed through the people to the Army and Navy. Excerpts:
Russia. "We are for peace and brotherhood. The Red Army and Navy are weapons for the defense of the revolution upon which all other countries are continuously making attacks. The military strength of the capitalistic countries continues to grow and they are using their steel for the purpose of oppression and enslavement, while our opposing steel, for the first time in history, serves the cause of Socialism."
Poland. "The legend circulated abroad that we are mobilizing our Army against Poland is untrue. We want to change the map of Europe, but this can only be achieved by the victorious march of the proletariat. We shall not throw ourselves into an armed struggle when the time is inopportune."
Britain. "If the Labor Government had the courage and valor which are demanded of working-class leaders, it would seize the opportunity to conclude a treaty with Soviet Russia because such a treaty would result in remapping Europe."
France. "We are going to help the Eastern people shake off the yoke of foreign domination. We shall never pay the Tsar's debt to France. We are standing firmly on our feet. The French know they will never overthrow us."
The enthusiasm of the War Lord's 5,000 audience knew no bounds when he had terminated his oration. M.Trotsky, dressed in a semimilitary uniform, had delivered his speech with all his old fire and vigor, a fact which plainly revealed that he had fully recovered from his indisposition (TIME, Feb. 25).