Monday, Sep. 08, 1924

Nicaea, Nish

Differences of opinion as to the teachings of Jesus Christ first became historic at the Council of Nicaea, A. D. 325.

Christanity first became the socially correct religion by the fiat of Emperor Constantine the Great, then living. He was born at Nish.*

The Serbian Orthodox Church now proposes that the 1,600th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea shall be celebrated at the birthplace of the Emperor next year.

The celebration shall be itself an Ecumenical Council. The Rumanian and Greek Churches have given their consent ,and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople stated that he would not object since, for obvious reasons, the Council cannot be held in his palace on the Bosphorous.

The Council will be contemporaneous with the Holy Year festivals of the Roman Catholic 'Church, and prelates of the latter are expected to visit Nish unofficially.

Thousands of Eastern Orthodox Bishops will attend; a new hotel is imperative.

* Nish shines in Balkan history, but to the naked eye it is a miserably dirty village. Serbs call it a railroad and industrial center. True, an express train passes through it every other day.