Monday, Sep. 08, 1924


Having perused well the chronicle of the week, the Vigilant Patriot views with alarm:

"The shallow delights of matrimony and opera." (P. 15.)

Unholy advances by an infatuated priest. (P. 15.)

"Three acts, nine actors and six cases of adultery." (P. 17.)

A hideous, heroic smash. (P. 14.)

A miserable, dirty village. (P. 19.)

A devastating parade through the lives of many women. (P. 14.)

A hideous chamber, papered green. (P. 2.)

Septic poisoning. (P. 14.)

"The height of folly." (P. 26.)

A complacent male who much resembles the Greek god Priapus. (P. 14.)

"The most sedulously pornographic comedy of recent years." (P. 17.)

The 999. It burst into flames, sank. (P. 29.)

A man who wanted to slip. (P. 14.)

Pretty strong meat. (P. 15.)

A "damn thing." (P. 22.)

Ain't We Got Fun, played as the aged mother passes away. (P. 15.)

An arch-conspirator, -- Terrorist, -- fiend, -- murderer and -- revolutionary. (P. 11.)

Agitated Bubain. (P. 10.)

The danger of playing football with British cannon balls. (P. 6.)