Monday, Nov. 10, 1924

At Hannibal

If a campaign is a dull thing to some of the onlookers, it is an exceedingly wearisome business for the candidates. But even for the candidates there is occasional relief. Charles G. Dawes,. peregrinating from stump to stump, halted at Hannibal. Under an ancient guide, he inspected the famous Tom Sawyer cave --a cave which Jesse James and his many men had also used. "Where," asked the General with reverence, "did Tom Sawyer find the opening out on to the river bank?" "We're coming to it," answered the guide. "But right here is where he found Injun Joe's gold. . . Yes, sir, the James" boys hid right here in this here cave, and there's the very place they killed two of the detectives that came a lookin' for them. . . . And right here is where the James boys buried them two detectives at, one atop the other."