Monday, Apr. 20, 1925
Assaulted Grocery
Some one has to be Mayor of Herrin, Ill. Elections are due next week. It is desirable that there should be more than one candidate. So Marshall McCormack, head of the grocery firm of Marshall McCormack & Bros., put himself forward in opposition to the regular Ku Klux Klan Kandidate. Mr. McCormack is himself a Klansman, is running on a joint Klan-Klanless ticket, is bitterly opposed by the Klan-or-nothing regulars. A year ago, some enemy set fire to his store; the flames were put out.
A fortnight ago, his life was threatened over the telephone. Last week, his store was bombed. The entire front was demolished; the groceries were not severely injured. This was the second Herrin bombing in a month. The local election, under the Constitution of the U. S. and the Constitution of the Sovereign State of Illinois, proceeded.