Monday, May. 04, 1925


It was announced in Cairo that the trial will begin of six prisoners, arrested in connection with the murder of the Sirdar of the Anglo-Egyptian Army in the Sudan, Sir Lee Oliver F. Stack, the attempted murder of Captain T. K. Campbell, aide-de-camp to the Sirdar, and Fred Marsha, the Sirdar's chauffeur (TIME, Dec. 1 et seq.).

The six accused are Abdua Fattah Anayat, law student; Abdul Kami Ana yat, brother of Abdua, a student; Ibrahim Musa, railway employe; Mahmud Rashid, railway engineer and member of the "Society of Vengeance"; Ali Muhammed Ibrahim, railway employe; Razhid Hassan, carpenter.

It was also revealed that the accused men had hoped by a series of political murders to gain the complete independence of Egypt.