Monday, Jun. 01, 1925
Power and Light
The consolidation movement in business has by no means been confined to the railroads. With less publicity, more actual headway has in point of fact been made of late with super-power projects than in the steam transportation.
One of the greatest super-power projects in the country is that undertaken by the Electric Bond & Share Co., now approaching fruition. The properties being assembled for this giant merger include parts of the Electric Power & Light Co., American Power & Light, National Power & Light, Southeastern Power & Light, American Gas & Electric, Carolina Power & Light, Lehigh Power Securities, and Buffalo, Niagara & Eastern. All these are either controlled or managed by the Electric Bond & Share Co. or allied interests.
The merger will invade fourteen states: New York, Ohio Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, The Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas. In addition, branch lines from these states will enter still other states. Cities affected by the merger:
Buffalo Knoxville
Syracuse Memphis
Utica Birmingham
Albany Mobile
Scranton Montgomery
Wilkes-Barre Little Rock
Canton Jackson
Wheeling New Orleans
Roanoke Houston
Lynchburg Dallas
Raleigh Fort Worth Asheville
Geographically, the area affected by the merger stretches from the Canadian Border at Niagara to the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans and other Gulfports, and from the Atlantic seaboard to the Mississippi River.