Monday, Aug. 10, 1925


It is pleasant, upon a sunny day, to motor the 26 mi. between Paris and Corbell; not so pleasant on a rainy day; still less pleasant to walk. But to swim from Corbell to Paris in the dirty brown Seine, famed swimming-pool for suicides--to swim at 2 in the morning, with the water algid, and rain stabbing the darkness. . . .

Miss Lillian Harrison, Argentine swimmer training to swim the English Channel, last week performed this feat as part of her training. She entered a marathon swim from Corbell to Paris, one woman in a field of eleven men. Two black Senegalese swimmers, accustomed to the tepid rivers of Afria, turned saffron, then green with cold, left the race. T. W. Burgess, Englishman who swam the Channel in 1911, followed suit. One by one the giant swimmers quit until only five were left, among them stout-hearted Miss Harrison. At the Austerlitz Bridge she had cramps; at the Chamber of Deputies she recovered; finished fourth after 14 hr. 37 min. of swimming, cheered more loudly by huge waiting crowds than the winner, Joseph Ledriant, French sailor, who finished two hours before her.