Monday, Aug. 31, 1925
At Shanghai 2,200 postal employes went on strike. First they demanded the ousting of foreigners who head the organization, later changed their demands to 100% increase in wages and other benefits.
Dr. Harvey J. Howard, American kidnapped by bandits in Manchuria (TIME, July 27) was located in a bandit camp. An emissary of General Feng, Chinese Christion soldier, went forth to negotiate for his release--saying it might take a month.
London received a report that eight British missionaries, including five women and Bishop H W K. Mowll, former dean of Wycliffe College, Toronto, had been taken by bandits in Szechwan and were being well treated.
Dr. D. S. Corpron, a U. S missionary, was seized by soldiers near Gaishow charged with carrying concealed weapons because he had a revolver on his launch in which he was traveling on the Grand Canal. His passport was scorned, his hands were tied behind his back, he was beaten and jeered at. Finally an officer gave him a grilling examination and he was released, outraged.
At Hankow negotiations between foreigners and Chinese for cooperation of Chinese police in protecting foreign concessions were broken off when the Chinese demanded an indemnity of $75,000 for Chinamen killed and wounded in the riots in June.