Monday, Apr. 11, 1927
Wales Unter Den Linden
Thronging Berliners waved British flags and cried "Hoch!" joyfully as Edward of Wales arrived at Berlin by airplane last week, and strolled down Unter den Linden, He wore the natty uniform of a British naval officer, and thus clad was presented to Chancellor Wilhelm Marx by Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz. Who but this shy, almost wistful prince could have made Germans forget the War and throng around him in a tribute to his personality as miraculous as it was sincere?
Lest the miracle be doubted, the Berlin Acht Uhr Abenblatt published photographs showing Edward of Wales at every state of his triumphant "surprise visit" to Berlin. The paper sold fast on the boulevards, and few readers turned to the last sentence of the story on an inside page which read: "April Fool!"
Meanwhile other newspapers gave their cartoonists April foolish license. Bald, smooth-shaven Foreign Minister Stresemann was depicted -- for example -- as a woolly Bolshevik. Only one great man was held sacrosant, Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg. He was not caricatured because to Germans he is Germany.