Monday, Jun. 20, 1927

Lang's Nephew

After months of raging, there was satisfaction last week at Oberammergau, home of the famed Passion Players. Anton Lang, able Christus, had written a letter denouncing his nephew Otto Lang for apostasy from Catholicism to Methodism. America, U. S. Catholic weekly, printed the letter: ". . . Never before was it known that any child of Oberammergau did such a thing in America as to leave the Catholic Church. For his passing over into the Methodist Church neither his relatives nor Oberammergau can be held responsible. Acting as a good Catholic, my son [Anton], who at present is studying at Holy Cross College, in Worcester, Massachusetts [see p. 18], has already in various papers taken a stand against this Propaganda -Methodism. In fact Otto Lang has complained to me about it [Anton II's cousinly denunciation]."