Monday, Jun. 27, 1927

Broadway Limited's 25th

Habitual travelers on the Broadway Limited, "crack" Pennsylvania R. R. train between Chicago and Manhattan, nodded cheerily to Steward Lewis Davis when they entered the dining-car last week. Later they felt even cheerier when Steward Lewis Davis, dean of the Broadway Limited's dining-car staff, brought them a little surprise--a slice from the train's 25th anniversary cake. For last week, which marked the 25th year of operation of the New York Central's Twentieth Century, marked also the quarter century for the Broadway Limited. New York Central officials made an event of their train's anniversary; so did Pennsylvania officials. The Broadway Limited runs between Manhattan and Chicago in 20 hours, the St. Louisan between Manhattan and St. Louis in 24 hours. Each averages a trifle more than 45 miles an hour for its run.

A few moments before the St. Louis train left the Pennsylvania station in Manhattan last week with Mrs. Evangeline L. Lindbergh aboard, a member of her party stepped to the rear of the train pulled a green velvet covering from an illuminated emblem there, and revealed that that "crack" train of St. Louis, after Aviator Charles Augustus Lindbergh's own airplane.