Monday, Jun. 27, 1927

Runner Tall Feather

Arthur Brisbane, Hearst newspaper seer, might have been moved to repeat one of his favorite homilies--"a sight to delight Darwin." Indian Chief Tall Feather, aged 42, was running along the broad highways from Milwaukee to Chicago. Sleek automobiles swished by him. On his right, electric interurban trains were hissing and steam locomotives were chuffing; on his left, steamers were cutting the waters of Lake Michigan. It was a scene such as every child has seen in the educational "wonder books." Tall Feather covered the 88 miles (without stopping) in 19 hr. 47 min.--no human had ever before run between Milwaukee and Chicago in so short a time. His reward was a purse of $1,000. His modern name is Levi P. Webster and he lives in Green Bay, Wis.