Monday, Mar. 18, 1929


Workmen were last week repairing the ventilating system of the Senate chamber when one of them, by accident, dropped a heavy piece of steel. It fell upon the flat, glass-paneled ceiling of the Senate and went crashing through to the floor. Dismayed, the workmen hurried to see which of the 48 stained-glass State seals in the Senate skylights had been broken. Awestruck, they found that the missle had missed all the State seals, missed also the figures of Peace, Industry, Valor, etc., and had singled out for destruction the great Horn of Plenty from which gifts of flowers and fruits pour down upon the U.S. people's most august representatives.

Modern skeptics, of course, paid no attention. But the great historian, Plutarch, would not have failed to record it as an event possibly of grave significance to the state.