Monday, Apr. 29, 1929

Africa's Allen

Six years ago, Rev. Sturges Allen, then 73, Father of the Order of the Holy Cross (strict Episcopal Monastic Order at West Park, N. Y.) asked permission of the then Bishop of Liberia, Rt. Rev. Walter Overs, to join the Liberian mission. Because of Father Allen's age, Bishop Overs refused.

Said Father Allen: "One day you and I will stand before the judgment seat of God. Then the Lord will say to me, 'Father Allen, did I not call you to go to Africa?' I shall answer, 'Yes. Lord.' Then he will say, 'Why did you not go?' I shall answer, 'There stands the Bishop. Ask him.' "

Father Allen went. He said he would rather live only six months more, usefully, in Africa, than ten years more in the U. S., where "a priest 70 years old is not wanted much." Last week came news that Father Allen had died, aged 79, in the mission of Bolahun. Liberia, whither his Lord had called him.