Monday, Sep. 16, 1929

332 m. p. h.

Over the Solent spithead, thread of English Channel between the Isle of Wight and Hampshire, three Englishmen and three Italians raced for a new world's air speed record last week. Contestants: H. R. D. ("Daisy") Waghorn, 25; R. L. R. Atcherly, 25; d'Arcy Grieg, 29; Giovanni Monti, 29; Rema Cadringher, 26; Tomaso dal Molin, 27. Lining Solent spithead were at least 1,000,000 spectators --the Prince of Wales on a yacht with his crony, rich Philip Sassoon, Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald with foreign ambassadors on the aircraft carrier Argus. Absent from race and show was Alford Joseph Williams, U. S. contestant, who had to withdraw because his racing plane would not leave the trial waters of the Severn River, Md. (TIME, Aug. 26). Around the diamond-shaped course the six planes raced. Monti and Cadringher were forced down. Atcherly, favorite, was disqualified for cutting a pylon. Sped the others -- Waghorn at 328.63 m. p. h. for the course. That won. Italian dal Molin went 284.20 m. p. h.; Grieg, 282.11 m. p. h. The winning plane was a supermarine Rolls-Royce. Fast was Flyer Waghorn, but not fastest of the day. Atcherley was officially credited with 332.49 m. p. h. in another supermarine Rolls-Royce. Later all contestants made ready to surpass that record by straightaway dashes. Herewith, for comparison, are speeds for one mile made in other ways : Doer Means Min. Sec

Atcherly, 1929 Seaplane 0:10.83

Segrave, 1929 Automobile 0:15.56

Davis, 1922 Motorcycle 0:32.53

Miss America VII, 1928 Motorboat 0:38.07

Bedell, 1917 Bicycle 1:04.02

Roamer, 1918 Horse 1:34.08

Jaffe, 1928 Skating 2:30.06

Nurmi, 1923 Running 4:10.04

Goulding, 1910 Walking 6:25.08

Borg, 1925 Swimming 12:43.03