Monday, Nov. 04, 1929

Epstein Gift

The name Epstein is famed among artists: 1) Because Sculptor Jacob Epstein of London has carved things to which most Londoners violently object (TIME, Oct. 21). 2) Because Max Epstein of Chicago, besides being philanthropist and financier (tank cars, directorships), is an outstanding connoisseur and collector of paintings. Many a Harvard law student is aided by the Max Epstein Loan Fund. The University of Chicago has a Max Epstein Dispensary and Social Hall. Lately Mr. Epstein combined his hobby and his philanthropy. Last fortnight the University of Chicago announced receipt from him of $1,000,000 for an art center where esthetic history and theory will be studied and taught, pundits will lecture, exhibitions will be held. The building will stand near the University's resplendent new chapel, upon the plans for which a great U. S. artist--the late Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue--was working at the time of his death (TIME, April 29).