Monday, Feb. 20, 1984
See the World
Congress's megabuck travel tab
The officially reported cost of the 357 "fact-finding" missions that Congressmen took to 85 countries last year seemed high enough: $5.9 million. But an investigation by United Press International and a Washington watchdog group, the Better Government Association, indicates the real bill was closer to $22 million. Flights on military planes and services arranged by the State Department accounted for huge hidden costs to the taxpayer.
Last August, Senators Paula Hawkins, Jake Garn and Frank Lautenberg visited the Far East. Had they flown first-class in commercial planes, their tab would have been about $30,000. Instead, they used an Air Force jet on which they could bring along spouses and assorted aides. The highflying cost: $244,013. When Congressman James Howard of New Jersey went to Ireland, he had the State Department arrange a dinner at Dublin's most expensive restaurant. The bill: $1,900. Most traveled was Congressman Robert Badham, a California Republican, who spent almost three months touring 24 countries on Air Force planes at a cost of $90,000.