Monday, Apr. 21, 1986

American Notes Justice

The four youths who were shot while menacing Bernhard Goetz on a New York City subway in December 1984 gained nationwide attention as victims of a trigger- happy vigilante. Now they are attracting attention for another reason. Last week James Ramseur, 19, was convicted of raping a woman in the Bronx last May; he faces a prison sentence of up to 25 years. On the same day, a New York justice ordered Barry Allen, 20, to serve the remainder of a four-year term for robbery after Allen broke his parole by stealing a gold chain. Troy Canty, 20, was sentenced last June to 18 months in a residential drug- treatment program after pleading guilty to petty theft. The fourth, Darrell Cabey, 20, shot in the spine by Goetz and paralyzed, is confined to a wheelchair for life.