Monday, May. 06, 1991

You Just Keep Me Hanging On


Nearing the end of his 10th year as United Nations Secretary-General, Javier Perez de Cuellar, 71, insists he is ready to retire. But is he really? In his first term, Perez de Cuellar often told colleagues that he wanted out, but was persuaded to remain five years more. France, a permanent member of the Security Council, is now pressing the Peruvian to stay on for a third term. The Soviets too have indicated they would like him to stay put. This endorsement of the status quo distresses reform-minded U.N. staff members and diplomats who believe the world body desperately needs stronger leadership and a complete overhaul. Says a Western ambassador: "He's done well. He should quit while he's ahead."

With reporting by Georgia Harbison