Monday, Jun. 13, 1994

The Wonks of Summer

Washington has office softball leagues, just like a normal city. Though the players may have an obsessive interest in GATT, land reclamation and the like, their team names betray a weakness for bad (occasionally vulgar) puns that is common to many Americans:

The Cato-tonics (Cato Institute)

The Randsackers (Rand Corp.)

Joint Chiefs (Center for Defense Information and Drug Policy Foundation)

The Mutha FEC-ers (Federal Election Commission)

Violent Demmes (Democratic Leadership Council and Progressive Policy Institute)

Cool Whips (offices of House majority whip David Bonior and his deputy whips)

Earl Jam (office of Democratic Representative Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota)

The Young Studds (office of Democratic Representative Gerry Studds of Massachusetts)

The Swinging Johnsons (office of Republican Representative Nancy Johnson of Connecticut)