Vol. 144 No. 13
Destination Haiti
Under fire or in a friendly takeover, with Cedras in power or in exile, American troops were on their way in
The Once and Future President
The Aristide who goes back to take charge of Haiti is not the same man who fled after the coup
Besuboru Like It Oughta Be
Unlike its American cousin, Japanese major league baseball (pronounced besuboru) is in the grip of pennant fever:
Early Birds on Parade
It's a long way to November 1996, but with Bill Clinton looking beatable, the field of eager G.O.P. presidential hopefuls is already getting crowded
Flight of the Intruder
(The White House)
A disturbed man's crash on the South Lawn exposes the White House's vulnerability to sneak air attacks
Health Report
Informed Sources
Inside Washington
Accusations About Aristide Put Justice in a Bind
Lazarus of the Week
Newt's Eye View
Smart Criminals, Foolish Choices
The Presidential Military-Intervention Speech: a Primer
Need to persuade America it's time to ship the Marines off to a troubled country somewhere hot? Here's how, based on actual presidential addresses regarding actual U.S. invasions:
The Sons Also Rise
To everyone's surprise except their dad's, the Bush brothers are real contenders in Texas and Florida
The Week September 11-17
Winners & Losers
A Rite of Passage -- Or Mutilation?
Coming Soon: Raiders of the Lost Tomb
More Power to Women, Fewer Mouths to Feed
The U.N. conference reaches consensus: gender equality is a key to curbing population growth
The Khan Collection
A trove of archaeological treasures proves the Mongols and their monarch were surprisingly civilized
Cornering a Killer
After four years of searching, researchers pinpoint the location of a gene that causes breast cancer
Officers on the Edge
A spate of suicides has U.S. police reviewing how to help cops cope with pressures on -- and off -- the job
A Resounding Victory for Stupidity
Baseball's season is over, sending the national pastime down a black hole
Hooked Up to the Max
Will America Online, Prodigy and CompuServe lose their clout when the Internet comes to town?
How the Internet Was Tamed
Public Eye the White Gloves Come Off
The Political Interest the Case for Intervention
Contents Page September 26, 1994 -- Vol. 144, No. 13
Magazine Masthead SEPTEMBER 26, 1994 VOL. 144 NO. 13
A Joint Enterprise
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Updating the prison genre in a deft, well-played tale of revenge
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Gail Godwin likes her people, perhaps a bit too much
Getting a Leg Up
(Arts & Media / FASHION)
For that hot, sexy look, thigh-highs are the thing for runway models and grannies
L.a. Futzing
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
The New Age aims for chic anomie but is merely boring
Monster Music R.E.M., One Of
(Arts & Media / ROCK)
America's best bands, is back with its loudest, boldest album
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
On a remote island, a vivid tale of clashing cultures
The Last Leading Lady
(Arts & Media / OBITUARY)
Jessica Tandy: 1909-1994
The Mating Game
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
A sparkling new opera based on Les Liaisons Dangereuses delivers a morality tale about the machinations of love
To Our Readers
The Bright Side of Overpopulation