Monday, Jun. 29, 1998

Behind The Scenes With The New Brian Lamb

Internet gossip broker Matt Drudge has his own half-hour talk show on the Fox News Channel.

Q: What are you going to do on the show?

A: Saturday night is a good night to go a little bit unbuckled. I'm not going to be wearing a suit.

Q: What about the hat?

A: I'd be naked without the hat.

Q: You have just one?

A: It's my lucky hat... I was talking to a book publisher here, thinking about doing a book, and he said, "Don't do a book: just sell the hat and you'll make more money."

Q: Are you shopping a book proposal?

A: I've been thinking about it for a while, and after the National Press Club gig, I'm probably pretty ready... I don't know how serious I am, because I'm already read so widely I don't have that hunger to be heard.

Q: What's the title?

A: Sued by the White House and Other Online Adventures will probably be it.

Q: This show is going to be a big addition to your already busy schedule.

A: I've got a huge staff...I just show up, and they figure it out.

Q: Is there someone on TV you'd like to be like?

A: If I could be as smart as C-SPAN's Brian Lamb but maybe with just a little more animation, I'd be all right.