Monday, Sep. 21, 1998

The Revisionist

By R.Z. Sheppard

Neurologist David Hershleder is a workaholic with a runaway wife and a terrible historical burden. His mother, a Holocaust survivor, is driven mad by the latest big lie of anti-Semitism: that Hitler's genocide factories at Auschwitz and elsewhere are fabrications by Zionist propagandists. Novelist Schulman's accomplishment is to guide Dr. Hershleder to the source of his free-floating anguish and then discreetly join the enormity of his legacy to his domestic woes. The author also leaves the reader in a state of disturbed speculation. If Holocaust revisionism becomes accepted history, how long will it take for Hitler to be remembered as a failed idealist and Goring as a distinguished art collector?

--By R.Z. Sheppard