Vol. 152 No. 19
Not a Golfing Buddy
Clinton's new chief of staff is a blue-collar lawyer who loves roller coasters. He'll be right at home
The Passive Majority
What good is the right to an abortion if extremists can make it unavailable?
Murder Most Foul
After more than a decade of ploys, an accused serial killer finally stands trial for sex-slave murders
Gender Bender
A cross-dressing teenager must leave, says a school
Playing Deadly Games?
A Swissair flight that killed 229 people may have been brought down by the in-flight entertainment
Russia's New Icon
Former spymaster Yevgeni Primakov reluctantly became Prime Minister two months ago. Now he is virtually running the country
Defending The Prince
A new book makes a case against Diana--but Charles still loses
Victory Lap
For NASA, a shot into space provides a shot in the arm, as John Glenn at last returns to orbit
The Root of Tranquillity
Is extract of kava a natural substitute for Valium--or just alternative medicine's newest herb du jour?
The Fall of the Supermodel
They ruled for a decade, but now the Super Six are giving glamour away to actresses and gangly teens
What the Cutters Feel
Long scorned and misunderstood, people who injure themselves are finally being taken seriously
The Conspiracy Channel?
Oliver Stone and ABC help muddy the line even further between news and entertainment
The Web's Next Wave of Fun
Finally putting up a home page? You're behind the curve. This fall, everybody's building a palace
(The Scoop)
Cold-Blooded Milosevic Buries His Hatchet Man
Campaign 2000: Already, a Media Bias!
Planet Watch
(Planet Watch)
The Reno Watch
(The Scoop)
"Intent" Seems Missing In Campaign Violations
Annals Of Slavery
(The Scoop)
DNA: Jefferson Did It
The New Counterculture
Today's kids are hipper than their '60s counterparts, just less politically focused
What Happened to Destiny?
John Glenn's flight shows how modest our ambitions in space have become
Exposing the Folly of Corporate Welfare
Betting on The New Euro
Savvy U.S. investors see opportunity in Europe's first unified currency
A Wider World Of Sports
Who needs the NBA anyway? Smaller sports are luring young viewers--and fresh advertising
Preschool for Everyone
Rich parents can afford it; poor ones get it free. Now some states want to make pre-K universal
Distinct? Or Extinct?
(The Arts / Television)
Sports Night is so innovative it could become a new evolutionary stage of the sitcom--if it lasts
Fascist Fable
(The Arts / Cinema)
A farce trivializes the horror of the Holocaust
Dappled Glories
(The Arts / Art)
It's the show of the season: a survey of the innovative, swirling works by Jackson Pollock that changed the face of American art
The Expiration-Date Culture
(The Arts)
Age is great for wine but not for TV, modernism and almost everything else
Hearts of Darkness
(The Arts / Books)
Matters of race, religion and gender collide as a missionary family moves to the Congo in 1959
A Writer's Life
(The Arts / Books)
John Updike revisits the beleaguered Henry Bech
What Price Freedom?
(The Arts / Cinema)
The future of the U.S. is at risk again. But this time around, we may be our own worst enemy
Vanilla Ice
(The Arts / Q&A)
Keep The Faith
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Faith Evans
Pure Drivel
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Steve Martin
Intimate City
(The Arts / Short Takes)
International Center of Photography Uptown, New York
(The Arts / Short Takes)
NBC Sunday
(Personal Time / Your Money)
With rates tumbling, pay a little more now and retain the flexibility to refinance again next year
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
You want to make movies? It's getting cheaper and easier to use your PC to edit videotape
Tamoxifen's Risks
(Personal Time / Your Health)
The cancer drug is okayed for healthy women, but you need a PC to decide whether to use it
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Your Technology
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
The Coming Storm
(Time Select / Business Report)
If they aren't already, U.S. managers may soon be steering through the ugly waters of the global economic slowdown. How can they prepare?
Perks That Work
(Time Select / Business Report)
Flexible benefits are taking some interesting new twists, and turning a profit from employee loyalty
Corporate Welfare
(Special Report / Corporate Welfare)
A TIME investigation uncovers how hundreds of companies get on the dole--and why it costs every working American the equivalent of two weeks' pay every year
States At War
(Special Report / Corporate Welfare)
Shrewd companies are increasingly pitting politicians against one another in a quest for bigger and better tax breaks. Yet rarely do these subsidies create jobs, and the incentives sometimes rob gover
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