Sunday, Jan. 16, 2005


"One of the things I've learned is that sometimes words have consequences you don't intend them to. 'Bring 'em on' is a classic example."

PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH, expressing regret for two statements he made during his first term. The other was his promise that the U.S. would bring in Osama bin Laden "dead or alive"

"I felt an obligation that someday somebody could say, 'You people knew about this, and you didn't do anything about it.'"

BUD SELIG, baseball commissioner, after players agreed to tougher rules on the use of steroids and other drugs

"Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times a year? Is that torture?"

GUY WOMACK, attorney for Charles Graner, in opening arguments to the U.S. military jury at the reservist's court-martial on charges of abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib

"The last thing this country needs is two Republican parties."

SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY of Massachusetts urging fellow Democrats to oppose Bush's plan to overhaul Social Security

"These problems were caused primarily by a myopic zeal to be the first news organization to broadcast what was believed to be a new story ... and the rigid and blind defense of the segment after it aired despite numerous indications of its shortcomings."

CBS PANEL REPORT, on a 60 Minutes segment that raised questions about President Bush's National Guard service on the basis of documents whose authenticity has been challenged

"If you are going to watch television, get down and do 10 push-ups and five sit-ups."

TOMMY THOMPSON, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announcing new federal dietary guidelines

"Let Us Trim Our Hair in Accordance with Socialist Lifestyle."

TITLE OF A TV SERIES in North Korea, where the government is directing men to see their barbers twice a month

Sources: UPI; New York Times; Reuters; Los Angeles Times; New York Times (2); BBC