Vol. 143 No. 20
Kind Words, But Not Much More
(Cover Story)
Why? the Killing Fields of Rwanda
(Cover Story)
Hundreds of thousands have died or fled in a month of tribal strife. Are these the wars of the future?
Giving Up the Gun: the Conversion of Henry Hyde
Health Report
How Much Am I Bid for Paul Tsongas?
How to Report the Lewd and Unproven?
(The Administration)
Informed Sources
Innocent Victim Or Big Liar of the Week:
Inside Washington
From the White House to the Poor House?
Jones Vs. the President
(The Administration)
A woman sues Bill Clinton, saying he sexually harassed her when he was Governor of Arkansas. The White House says he did nothing of the kind.
Lethal Weapon 2
Only 646 Campaign Days Left!
Raw Data
The Week May 1-7
Winners & Losers
Arafat, Ready Or Not
(Middle East)
The P.L.O. gains the right to govern but finds itself unprepared to begin
This May Hurt a Bit
(Health Care)
Congress begins to ask why the U.S. subsidizes insurance coverage for those at the top of the heap
Dollars for Deeds
How do you keep teens from getting pregnant or motivate students to make the grade? Offer them cash.
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
One of the fastest men on wheels dies after a change of Formula ^ One rules
A Blue Chip Case of Blues
As the crisis eases at IBM, departures and dissent keep the company in turmoil
The Political Interest Haiti: the Case for a Bigger Stick
Time Magazine
Contents Page May 16, 1994 Vol. 143 No. 20
Time Magazine
Masthead May 16, 1994 -- Vol. 143 No. 20
Dress Rehearsal, Or Opening Night?
Still screenstruck after an early fling, Bronfman has Seagram buy a hunk of Time Warner -- but just what he wants is turning into a Wall Street cliff-hanger
The Bag Stops Here
Are the luggage-delivery glitches in Denver's long-delayed airport fixable anytime soon?
A Familiar Slippery Slope
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Nothing resonates in a tale of a mother's romance with drink
A Mesmerizing Encore From Camus
(Arts & Media / CULTURE)
After 34 years, the Nobel laureate's last, unfinished manuscript causes a literary sensation
A Tree Strives in Brooklyn
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Spike Lee's story of a middle-class family wrestles with the anguish of kids trying to grow up smart and good
Auctions in the Pits
(Arts & Media / ART)
The once aggressive squillionaire buyers are staying away from contemporary art, and the mood at auction houses is glum
Can Memory Be a Devilish Inventor?
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
The case of a father accused of satanic sexual abuse who "remembers" and is jailed
Fatal Fiasco
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
History is fine fiction in the hands of Beryl Bainbridge
Jazz Goes to the Movies
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Trumpeter Terence Blanchard skillfully sketches mood and emotion as he swings between recordings and film scores
Joan in Full Throat
(Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
The indefatigable Rivers can act as well as talk -- all about anguish -- and she demonstrates it in a TV and Broadway blitz
Mandarin with a Knife
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Murray Kempton dissects the heroes and scoundrels of his time
The Way She Is
(Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
Embarking on her long-awaited tour, Barbra Streisand looks inward -- and lets fly at the press
A Desire to Help Its Neighbors
Nelson Mandela on South Africa's new role
To Our Readers
(Letters To The Editor)
Deadly Mistake
(Letters To The Editor)
How The Soviets Got the Bomb
(Letters To The Editor)
Rwanda's Killing Hell
(Letters To The Editor)
Silly Fashions
(Letters To The Editor)
Something Unusual is Going On
(Letters To The Editor)
Unlocking The Secrets of Malignancy
(Letters To The Editor)
Living in Virtual Reality